ValueQuest Snapshot
A philosophy of #InvestorsFirst has enabled us to outperform the BSE 500 TRI consistently since inception. VQ Platinum has been awarded 5-star ranking while VQ Growth has been awarded 4-star ranking, in PMS Bazaar’s PMS Ranking powered by CRISIL (as per PMS Bazaar PMS Ranking March 2023).
AUM ₹21,868 crs
~$2.55 Bn
34 Member
Investment Team
* AUM includes PMS, AIF and Advisory. Post fees returns as on 30th November 2024. Performance related information is not verified by SEBI. Performance of each investor portfolio may vary from that of other investors and that generated by the Investment Approach across all investors because of 1) the timing of inflows and outflows of funds; and 2) differences in the portfolio composition because of restrictions and other constraints.
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.

ValueQuest Videos
ValueQuest closes the gap between the investor and the equity markets by providing the unique outlook to portfolio management that can only come from being a successful investor.
Wealth creation comes with
- Wisdom to see
- Fortitude to hold
- Courage to capitalise
Our record in picking key trends have borne fruit time and again. Being grounded in our research and thought process has helped us identify key trends early, and earned us the reputation of being good stock pickers.